by Eco Kids Planet January 12, 2020

Trees provide oxygen – without trees, we cannot breathe.

This is why forests are often called the ‘lungs of the planet’. Forests are home to hundreds of thousands of different plants and animals. They are wonderful places to visit and you can do lots of things such as building dens, exploring and cycling. That’s why at Eco Kids Planet, we are passionate about ensuring that we only use paper that is sustainable and responsible. All of our magazines, letters and envelope use FSC certified paper. We believe this is the right thing to do because:

  • FSC is the only wood certification scheme endorsed by the major environmental charities, including WWF, Greenpeace and The Woodland Trust.
  • FSC gives an assurance that future generations will be able to enjoy the benefits of the forest.
  • FSC protects the rights of indigenous people to use the forest. If they have sacred sites in the forest these are exempt from felling.
  • All the wood is tracked from the forest to the store. Every link between the forest and the consumer is certified to make it clearly identifiable which wood is FSC certified and which is not.
  • The FSC label guarantees that the trees that are harvested are replaced or allowed to regenerate naturally.
  • Parts of the forest are protected entirely, in order to protect rare animals and plants.

What does FSC mean to Eco Kids Planet Magazine?

Our magazine is only printed on material that is a mixture of FSC certified forests, recycled material or other controlled sources. 

Here is what one of our readers, Lyra, thinks about us using FSC paper.

"I am very grateful for Eco Kids magazine but I, Lyra Matilda, have realised that they
FSC means Forest Stewardship Council.
FSC says cut trees! Plant trees! Look after animals and humans they say!
Lyra says to look for the FSC label!"

Want to know why else we are the BEST children's nature magazine? Check out our 10 reasons here

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