by Anya Dimelow July 12, 2019

When we get hot, we want to cool off, and animals are no different. Even England can get very hot, and it’s not always easy for animals to find water. Building a little water feature is one of the best things you can do to help wildlife! 

What you need:

  • A washing-up bowl or bucket. (If recycling an old one make sure there are no holes in it, and that any soap is rinsed out thoroughly with warm water.)
  • Some gravel or sand.
  • A few big stones, bricks or logs.
  • Some pond plants.


What to do:

Step 1: Dig a hole big enough to fit your bucket. 

Step 2: Pour some gravel or sand into the bottom of your bucket for insects to burrow into. Don’t use soil, because this might cause algae to grow and affect everything within your pond. 

Step 3: Surround the pond with some smaller stones to make it look natural.

Step 4: Make sure the animals can get out by putting an exit and entrance. This can be done by resting a couple of bricks, larger rocks or logs either side of your pond.

Step 5: Fill the pond! Rainwater is best so plan in advance and try to collect some from buckets and watering cans. However, you can also use tap water.

Step 6: Add some pond plants! Ask at your local garden centre for pond plants that oxygenate (ox-ee-jenate) the water (meaning they create oxygen for the animals to breathe). Hornwort is a great plant to start with.

Step 7: Now sit back and wait! Animals will love using your new water feature for a quick bath and, in a few months, it may even attract some frogs!


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