by Anya Dimelow September 04, 2023

In June's 'Turtles of the World' issue, we asked you to design a turtle shell. We received so many fantastic designs and images. Thank you to everyone who sent us their entries.

Congratulations to our four winners

Elizabeth, age 9, Leeds


Emma, age 9, Chorleywood


Lana, age 10, Basingstoke

"My artwork is called Toby the tortoise and I love Eco kids Planet magazine."turtle-shell-children-competition


Erin, age 12, Holyhead

"My idea is a turtle shell that filters micro-plastics out of the ocean. It has a hole in the top, which allows the water and plastics to go into the shell; it gets filtered and the water comes out underneath. The plastic is compressed, then it floats to the surface of the water to be recycled properly.” 




Amber-Lily, age 11, London


Amelia, age 10, Toddington


Elena, age 9, Wantage

Joshua, age 8, Cardiff


Cherry-Rose, age 11, Sidney

More Amazing Entries From Our Readers

Chloe, age 10, Crowborough

Ella Rose, age 6, Greenfield


Emily, age 9, Norwich

Laurence, age 10, Rochester

Piers, age 8, Grinstead

"The Spikey River Turtle has spikes to catch its prey and a hard shell to protect itself from predators."

Silvia, age 10, Broxbourne

Caleb, age 9, Churchdown

"It's shell looks like coral to help it disappear into the coral reef it lives in and it's skin colour helps it camouflage the rest of it's body into the sand. And if that doesn't work it uses its strong beck to bite at its enemies . It's a very strong swimmer and can easily out swim the fastest olympic swimmer . It is called a coral turtle. And it is found at the great baria reef one of the biggest reefs in the world."

Delilah, age 7, Lincoln

Alex, age 11, Todmorden

Logan, age 6, Woking

Hollie, age 9, Bicester

Emilia, age 10, Plymouth

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