World Wildlife Day: 5 Ways to Help Wildlife

World wildlife day: 5 ways to help wildlife

by Emma Louise Oldham March 02, 2020

World Wildlife Day (3rd March) is a day to celebrate what makes this world so diverse and beautiful. It also reminds us to keep stepping up for wildlife and doing things to work in harmony with nature, rather than exploiting it. We’ve rounded up some simple actions you can do TODAY to help nature th...

Nature Project: Build a Wildlife Water Feature

Nature project: build a wildlife water feature

by Anya Dimelow July 12, 2019

When we get hot, we want to cool off, and animals are no different. Even England can get very hot, and it’s not always easy for animals to find water. Building a little water feature is one of the best things you can do to help wildlife!  What you need: A washing-up bowl or bucket. (If recycling an...