For October issue's comic strip, Amelia the Fox and her minibeast friends got into disguises to attend a Halloween party. We challenged you to design a Halloween costume for your favourite minibeast! The entries were marvellous! You all sent in lots of animals dressed in fantastic disguises and camo...
Special, Spotty and Not Very Spooky! Spiders are supposed to be spooky and scary, right? Well, we think the little ladybird spider looks more cute than creepy. You’re very unlikely to spot this spotty species in the wild, though. In fact, no one had seen a ladybird spider in the UK for so long that...
This simple and fun activity is a fantastic hands-on activity to understand the difference between absorption and reflection. What to do: Step 1: Blow up the white balloon but leave it untied at the end. Step 2: Insert the black balloon into the white balloon. This may be a little fiddly, s...
For August's competition, we challenged you to build your own rocket, using materials that you can find at home. The results were space-tacular! Congratulations to our 4 winners: Ayla Parkin, age 9 Look at this gigantic rocket! Made from an old washing machine drum base, she will certainly spin t...
1. They’re the only mammals which cannot jump! African bush elephants are the largest land animals in the world. Males can grow up to whopping 13 feet tall at the shoulders and measure up to 30 feet from trunk to tail. As for their weight, you’re talking 6,350 kg. Their trunk alone weighs 400 pound...
The blue whale is the largest creature to have lived on Earth – ever! It’s even bigger than any of the dinosaurs were. This massive marine mammal quietly cruises across the world’s oceans in search of food and to raise a family. It’s hard to believe that we very nearly lost this awesome animal altog...
Create your own Top Trump Card! Our summer double issue explored all about why and how different animals migrate. So, of course, we had to give you a migration-themed competition! We asked you to design your own Top Trump migration card. What a fantastic job everyone did! Congratulations to o...
Have you ever heard of a diver talking about ‘feeling pressure’ when they’re underwater? This is because water is much denser than air. A volume of water 10 metres thick applies the same amount of pressure as the entire Earth’s atmosphere (which is nearly 130km thick!). So, when a diver descends 20m...
Stones and pebbles come in all different shapes, sizes and textures, making them a fun and tactile object to paint on. This month, we’re challenging you to transform your stones and pebbles into plants and animals! What you need: - Pebbles and stones- Washing-up bowl/sink- Tea towel- Poster or a...