In our January ‘Tree-Dwellers’ issue, we invited you to write a short story or poem. A hearty thank you to all who joined in. Your imaginative pieces were a joy to read. Kudos to our three winners: Annie, age 10, Malton Orangutan Natalia, age 10, Welford-on-Avon The iguana and the frog Joshua, a...
In our previous adventure, we learned about the superpowers of lizards' eyes, which help lizards see colours by moonlight. In fact, gecko colour vision is 350 times more sensitive to low light than ours. However, did you know that our human eyes are equally extraordinary? Because our eyes are less s...
In our October 'Ready, Steady, Glow!' issue, we asked you to create glowing art and, wow, were the entries glorious! Thank you to everyone who sent us their bioluminescent works-of-art. Congratulations to our four winners: Vijay, age 10, Northampton Fireflies Noah, age 10, Portugal Glowing mushro...
In our ‘Nature’s Music’ summer issue, we asked you to write a song or short story about a music-loving dolphin. Thank you to everyone who sent us their entries. We loved reading your stories, poems and songs.
In May’s ‘Jumpers’ issue, we asked you to design a Save the Sifaka poster. Thank you to everyone who sent us their entries. We hope you enjoyed learning about these unique primates.
In April’s ‘Terrific Tails’ issue, we asked you to draw yourself with an imaginative tail and describe how you would use it. Thank you to everyone who sent us their entries. We loved your creativity and humour.